Startseite Liste (A-O) Liste (P-Z) Portal Forum
Chumbawamba - English Rebel Songs (1988)01 - The Cutty Wren02 - The Diggers Song03 - Colliers March04 - The Truimph Of General Ludd05 - Chartist Anthem06 - Song On The Times07 - Smashing Of The Van08 - World Turned Upside Down09 - Poverty Knock10 - Idris Strike Song11 - Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire12 - The Cutty Wren
Chumbawamba - Slap! (1990)01 - Ulrike02 - Tiananmen Square03 - Cartrouble04 - Chase PC's Flee Attack By Own Dog05 - Rubens Has Been Shot!06 - Rappoport's Testament I Never Gave Up07 - Slap!08 - That's How Grateful We Are09 - Meinhof
Chumbawamba - Anarchy (1994)01 - Give The Anarchist A Cigarette02 - Timebomb03 - Homophobia04 - On Being Pushed05 - HeavenHell06 - Love Me07 - Georgina08 - Doh!09 - Blackpool Rock10 - This Year's Thing11 - Mouthful Of Shit12 - Never Do What You Are Told
13 - Bad Dog14 - Enough Is Enough15 - Rage
Chumbawamba - Tubthumper (1997)01 - Tubthumping02 - Amnesia03 - Drip, Drip, Drip04 - The Big Issue05 - The Good Ship Lifestyle06 - One By One07 - Outsider08 - Creepy Crawling09 - Mary, Mary10 - Smalltown11 - I Want More12 - Scapegoat